BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035307Z LOCATION:Auditorium\, Level 5\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221206T100000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221206T120000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:MeshTaichi: A Compiler for Efficient Mesh-based Operations DESCRIPTION:Technical Papers\n\nMeshTaichi: A Compiler for Efficient Mesh- based Operations\n\nYu, Xu, Kuang, Hu, Liu\n\nMeshes are an indispensable representation in many graphics applications because they provide conforma l spatial discretizations. However, mesh-based operations are often slow d ue to unstructured memory access patterns. We propose MeshTaichi, a novel mesh compiler that provides an intuitive programming model for efficient m esh-based operations. Our programming model hides the complex indexing sys tem from users and allows users to write mesh-based operations using refer ence-style neighborhood queries. Our compiler achieves its high performanc e by exploiting data locality. We partition input meshes and prepare the w anted relations by inspecting users' code during compile time. During run time, we further utilize on-chip memory (shared memory on GPU and L1 cache on CPU) to access the wanted attributes of mesh elements efficiently. Our compiler decouples low-level optimization options with computations, so t hat users can explore different localized data attributes and different me mory orderings without changing their computation code. As a result, users can write concise code using our programming model to generate efficient mesh-based computations on both CPU and GPU backends. We test MeshTaichi o n a variety of physically-based simulation and geometry processing applica tions with both triangle and tetrahedron meshes. MeshTaichi achieves a con sistent speedup ranging from 1.4 times to 6 times, compared to state-of-th e-art mesh data structures and compilers.\n\nRegistration Category: FULL A CCESS, EXPERIENCE PLUS ACCESS, EXPERIENCE ACCESS, TRADE EXHIBITOR\n\nLangu age: ENGLISH\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON URL: 3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR