BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035348Z LOCATION:Exhibition Hall 2\, Level 1\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T100000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T160000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:Art Gallery DESCRIPTION:Art Gallery\n\nTrajectories of Time: Sustainable Ecologies and Non-fungible Entities \n\nWhat does sustainability and non-fungibility me an in today’s Worlding? \n\nAt the Art Gallery, we speculate and envision sustainable ecologies and non-fungible entities that are constantly resha ped, recreated and restored in the trajectories of time. Tokens of hopes a nd promises are taken to explore and experiment with digital media not onl y to discover terrains of co-existence but also to reflect on current medi a landscapes. We cordially invite you to savour the time at the Art Galler y, where sustainability and non-fungibility is possible because of imperfe ctions, uncertainties, and contingencies, we as beings are, not in spite o f.\n\nScope of the Cloud\n\nOh\n\nScope of the Cloud sets its stage on a f loating city in 2051, CLOUD, a city of climate refugees. Each game consol e sets Planner, Researcher, and the Flightless bird as the main protagonis t. In a playful way, the game questions how mobility can affect ecosystems and human lives.\n\n---------------------\nRemembrance: Magma\n\nChoi\n\n Remembrance: Magma is an immersive virtual reality animation addressing th e poetics of a mind as it is dying of dementia.\n\n---------------------\n Keep Smiling\n\nGuljajeva, Canet Sola\n\nKeep Smiling is an online interac tive experience in the form of a job interview conducted by an 'AI agent'. The agent asks the participant to smile, to smile even more, and to count objects she/he can see through a nearby window while continuing to smile. \n\n---------------------\nChandra X\n\nYeom, Jang\n\n〈Chandra X〉 speculat es on the state of nature and biodiversity as “hyper-capital”, especially under an interplanetary-scale surveillance system powered by virtual-real networks and neo-colonialist interactions. The work reimagines the perform ative engagement of Chandra-as-a...\n\n---------------------\nPeople of th e Gold\n\nYang\n\n"People of the Gold" reflects on the history of early Ch inese immigrants during the Gold Rush period. Multiple moving portraits we re generated by machine learning algorithms trained with historical docume nts. The project explores the potential of machine learning in visual anth ropology and raises qu...\n\n---------------------\nRiver Concert\n\nWU\n\ nHave we ever heard the voice of river carefully? We use the technology of speech recognition, including the emotion recognition function to analysi s audio samples of underwater recording. So we can hear the underwater sou nd into a dynamic piece of music and let the river play the music itself.\ n\n---------------------\nGaia\n\nJang\n\n'Gaia' is an eco game where you can experience the changes in Earth in the Anthropocene based on everyday choices such as food systems, electricity use, and virus infection. Indivi dual players join through the website and its virtual Earth respawns multi ple times based on the choices of all multiple...\n\n--------------------- \nRepository\n\nZhang\n\nA VR art experience provides a conceptual respons e to the issues of data authorship and data oblivion. It visualizes 1945 T witter posts retrieved from Twitter API under the construction of a server farm with a paper shredder. It questions the possible future of digital h eritage.\n\n---------------------\nInner self drawing machine\n\nZhang, Xi e, Huang, Pai, Chernyshov...\n\nThere are gaps that exist between our inne r gender identity and outer gender expressions, those gaps are even more s evere for those sexual minorities. Therefore we expect to contribute to bu ilding an empathetic understanding of sexual minorities via our inner-self drawing machine which can draw thei...\n\n---------------------\nThe Emer ging Media Art Performance of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik\n\nLee, Kwon\n\nThis performance aims to transform the traditional classical music experience t hrough emerging media technology. Generative visualization will analyze an d use not only musicians’ audio but also audience-generated noise and ambi ent sound. This will make the audience’s expression part of t...\n\n------ ---------------\nThe Patient 05\n\nLE, Bjerkeli\n\nMany assumed that the i ncreased use of modern technology in the workplace would allow mankind to sit back more, yet some people are working longer hours than ever. The Pat ient series by Axl Le reflects on the role of a modern work environment an d how it impacts our life.\n\n---------------------\nLizardians\n\nLee\n\n Lizardians is a three-channel 3-D animation that depicts a world in which the human body has been commercialized for mass consumption. The lives of two people unfold synchronously to reveal the consequences of the late-cap italistic system on individuals' freedom, labor, creativity, and authorshi p.\n\n---------------------\nPerception of War: AI Data Universe\n\nYoon, kim, Kim, Yoo\n\n'Perception of War' analyzes and visualizes 60,000 human perception data about the Ukraine war through AI technology. The modality of collective perception, left in a fascinating and somewhat bizarre form, provides a critical perspective on the Ukraine war behind the data and th e context of capital,...\n\n---------------------\nWindow\n\nYu, Min, Zeng \n\nWindow is an interactive multimedia installation that reconstructs the Quarantine experience with point clouds, sound and diary texts. It create s a poetic digital environment, arouses the audience's empathetic feeling together and reflects on the relationship between body and space, the indi vidual a...\n\n---------------------\nMulti-lingua-body\n\nManabe, Takamin e, Hartanto, Maeno, Fukubayashi\n\nWorldwide StRhyme is an experience that rhymes in many languages by selecting words through stepping forward aimi ng to blur the boundary of words as sound and meaning. \nWe explore new me dia making languages sustainable following oral, priniting, radio broadcas ting, and texting, because language is n...\n\n---------------------\nMode rn Rescue 2022ss\n\nMao, Fang\n\nThis work is a virtual catwalk animation based on modern urban diseases, consisting three themes: information leaka ge, social behavior alienation, and environmental degradation. Taking the catwalk as the form of presentation. This work aims to inspire people to f ocus on the Sustainable Development G...\n\n---------------------\nLand En ough\n\nAgcal, LC, Yin, Li\n\nLand Enough uses the issues of rising sea le vels, energy, waste, and diversity in a fictional climate-destroyed future . Each participant was given the role of explorer, architect, scientist, o r engineer to create artful technologies in a fictional climate-destroyed future. These post-apocalyptic tec...\n\n---------------------\nIllusory L and\n\nWANG, Su, Chen, Li, Lin...\n\nThis video is a 360-degree immersive experience, using the latest real-time game engine, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in a surreal Oriental landscape fantasy, Experience dreams and memories of the past, present, and future growing, changing, di sintegrating, and reorganizing in a chaot...\n\n---------------------\nOri gami Tessellations Induced by Growth\n\nTachi, Horikawa, Kanaoka\n\nWe cre ate a series of origami tessellations by simulating the growth of membrane s. The self-organized winkling patterns allow the transformation of one su rface into another with a different curvature without stretching or shrink ing . Our work demonstrates the universality of the principle of folding.. .\n\n---------------------\nNippo-Latin American Land\n\nIbańez Sandoval\n \nThe installation consists of an urban/rural Japanese landscape influence d by a Latinx community. Model structures are made of printed photographs and small screens for seeing details, both part of a bigger collection. In this setting, attendees will be able to see the visual communication of t he cit...\n\n---------------------\nDigital Being: Thinking of the Stars\n \nPark\n\nNFT creatures were streamed over the internet to old abandoned T Vs like the new souls of the machines.\n\n---------------------\nHuman-lik e non-human – HAOS human electrical cognition liberation project Ver 1.0\n \nLai\n\nThe project “human-like non-human – HAOS human cognition liberati on project” to attempt using electrical perception sensing in the oral reg ion as an addition to the Eight Consciousness defined by Buddhist discipli nes and expanding beyond the biological identity of a human.\n\n---------- -----------\nVoight-Kampff 2.0\n\nFang, Yan\n\n"Voight-Kampff 2.0" is a sc i-fi interactive experience including a questioner and a suspect. The judg ement is made by questioner to confirm suspect’s identity through emotiona l fluctuations. Significance of maintaining self-awareness in relationship of human-machine is emphasized in this work,...\n\n---------------------\ nZeroth: The self-awareness sense embodied by facing the coexistence of th e physical and virtual bodies in the mirror\n\nMiura, Uchida, Kawamura, Ze mpo\n\nToday, physical reality and the XR/metaverse, here and there, are b eing connected without seams. In this art Zeroth, the user simultaneously confronts oneself in physical reality and oneself in XR. This experience a llows the user to consider the appropriate ritual actions.\n\n------------ ---------\nWander [001]\n\nSun, Cheng, Xu, Li, Lee...\n\nThis is a public art project centred on an AI chatbot called Wander. She can generate inter active fiction based on real-world locations’ knowledge graphs. Through pu blic participation, the stories are visualised on an interactive map, a fi ctional earth chronicle contributed through crowdsource...\n\n\nRegistrati on Category: FULL ACCESS, EXPERIENCE PLUS ACCESS, EXPERIENCE ACCESS, ON-DE MAND ACCESS, TRADE EXHIBITOR\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON, ON-DEMAND END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR