BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035311Z LOCATION:Room 325-AB\, Level 3\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221208T110000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221208T123000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:Exact 3D Path Generation via 3D Cam-Linkage Mechanisms DESCRIPTION:Technical Papers\n\nExact 3D Path Generation via 3D Cam-Linkag e Mechanisms\n\nCheng, Song, Lu, Chew, Liu\n\nExact 3D path generation is a fundamental problem of designing a mechanism to make a point exactly mov e along a prescribed 3D path, driven by a single actuator. Existing mechan isms are insufficient to address this problem. Planar linkages and their c ombinations with gears and/or plate cams can only generate 2D paths while 1-DOF spatial linkages can only generate 3D paths with rather simple shape s. In this paper, we present a new 3D cam-linkage mechanism, consisting of two 3D cams and five links, for exactly generating a continuous 3D path. To design a 3D cam-linkage mechanism, we first model a 3-DOF 5-bar spatial linkage to exactly generate a prescribed 3D path and then reduce the spat ial linkage’s DOFs from 3 to 1 by composing the linkage with two 3D cam-fo llower mechanisms. Our computational approach optimizes the 3D cam-linkage mechanism’s topology and geometry to minimize the mechanism’s total weigh t while ensuring smooth, collision-free, and singularity-free motion. We s how that our 3D cam-linkage mechanism is able to exactly generate a contin uous 3D path with arbitrary shape and a finite number of C0 points, evalua te the mechanism’s kinematic performance with 3D printed prototypes, and d emonstrate that the mechanism can be generalized for exact 3D motion gener ation.\n\nRegistration Category: FULL ACCESS, ON-DEMAND ACCESS\n\nLanguage : ENGLISH\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON, ON-DEMAND URL: 8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR