BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035348Z LOCATION:Exhibition Hall 2\, Level 1\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T100000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T160000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:XR DESCRIPTION:XR\n\nXR is a juried exhibition within the Experience Hall tha t showcases novel VR, AR, MR prototype systems and/or innovative content w ith off-the-shelf consumer products and software such as Unity or Unreal E ngine. There will also be scheduled presentations for submitters to explai n the concepts behind these novel technologies.\n\nExtended Reality (XR) r efers to all environments that combine real and virtual elements generated by computer technology. It includes representative forms such as Augmente d Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR). XR is a supe rset which includes the entire spectrum from “the complete real” to “the c omplete virtual” in the reality–virtuality continuum.\n\nTeleViewDemo: Exp erience the Future of 3D Teleconferencing\n\nFels\n\nVisitors will experie nce real-time end-to-end 3D teleconferencing with three view-dependent dis plays using commodity hardware coupled with a modular software structure f or inserting advanced computer graphics algorithms. We demonstrate the uti lity of our approach by integrating state-of-the-art modu...\n\n---------- -----------\nMovableBag: Substitutional Robot for Enhancing Immersive Boxi ng Training with Encountered-Type Haptic\n\nNg\n\nWe present MovableBag, a substitutional robot with room-scale mobility and ability to carry sport props by easier tracking setup, to simulate the boxing coach or opponent i n virtual reality with encountered-type haptic feedback. The VR boxing app lication show the capacity of the device and possibili...\n\n------------- --------\nInteractive Chinese Character Learning in Virtual Reality\n\nSte inicke\n\nA virtual reality learning application for Chinese characters an d characters of Chinese origin with a focus on augmented air writing enabl ing users to learn characters through repetition and motor-based learning while being guided by novel visualization methods designed for VR as well as sounds and ...\n\n---------------------\nVR Education Contents for Core Fundamental Nursing Skills\n\nHWANG\n\nThis education contents designed a core fundamental nursing skill, blood sugar testing and the administratio n of insulin subcutaneous injection on immersive VR contents by tracking t he movement of the hand through finger joint recognition without using a c ontroller for immerse in training.\n\n---------------------\nOut of the Ca ve: an immersive VR Comic about a journey of self-healing\n\nLi\n\nThis wo rk is in the form of VR comics, which blends webcomics into a spatial medi um to create a brand-new narrative experience. The audience can dive into the story world and complete the journey of pursuit and self-healing with the heroine.\n\n---------------------\nDemonstration of RedirectedDoors: M anipulating User’s Orientation while Opening Doors in Virtual Reality\n\nH oshikawa\n\nIn this demo, the player explores an indoor virtual environmen t containing doors while wearing an HMD, and her orientation in reality is manipulated accordingly with the door angle being opened. When reaching t he goal, she can see the manipulation results by comparing her virtual pos ition with a rea...\n\n---------------------\nGuernica, éres tu: VR Volume tric Capture as an Art Style\n\nJung\n\nGuernica, éres tu is a first-perso n anti-war storytelling experience that reconstructs Pablo Picasso’s famed painting Guernica into a virtual environment using volumetric capture tec hnology.\n\n---------------------\nClap\n\nItoh, Fujioka, Machiba, Ohashi\ n\n“Thread man”, the protagonist, lacks self-confidence, has shrunk to a t hread-like existence. Why did he become scared of the sound of clapping? W hen your heartfelt applause reaches the thread man, which signals the begi nning of a beautiful sound.\n\n---------------------\nGenesis\n\nCourtial\ n\nGENESIS embarks on an emotionally intense virtual reality journey to ex perience the dramatic milestones in the evolution of earth and mankind. An immersive 24 h metaphor of 4.7 bn years of evolution that reveals: We are children of galactic luck, born in the final second of eternity.\n\n----- ----------------\nDemonstration of PseudoJumpOn: Repetitive step-up jump i n Virtual Reality\n\nOgawa\n\nIn this demo, we introduce an installation u tilizing PseudoJumpOn where the player repeatedly makes step-up jumps to c limb up to higher platforms, which provides players with the experience of a richer vertical locomotion in VR.\n\n---------------------\nDemonstrati ng Parallel Adaptation: How Switching between Two Virtual Bodies with Diff erent Perspectives Enables Dual Motor Adaptation\n\nVerhulst\n\nWe demonst rate a dual-motor adaptation over 2 bodies with opposite visual motor pert urbation. The participants experiment with explicit and implicit adaptatio n by comparing the 1pp and 3pp view perspectives during a reaching task.\n \n---------------------\nXRAYHEAD\n\nImai, Kayano, Kodaka\n\nXRAYHEAD crea tes a striking illusion of seeing a skeleton inside one's head where the i nterior skeleton is directly touched by the experimenter. This illusion wo rks with an experimental setup where the participant is faced with a speci ally designed smart-skeleton through a half-mirror, and where the...\n\n-- -------------------\nA Most Favored Nation: Augmented Reality and Immersiv e Performance\n\nBurke\n\nA Most Favored Nation was a live performance inc orporating AR, set in the world of Amazon Studios' The Man in the High Ca stle and created at UCLA. This demonstration includes an AR app with show elements, videos, props, and supporting materials explaining production pr ocess, technical approach, and...\n\n---------------------\nTranscendental Avatar: Experiencing Bioresponsive Avatar of the Self for Improved Cognit ion\n\nSkiers\n\nTranscendental Avatar, assist in reflecting, understandin g, and improving cognitive and emotional states through a bioresponsive se lf-avatar, the personification of the user's physiological data. In additi on, it assists in relaxation and stress relief.\n\n---------------------\n “Dance of Drums”: An Interactive Installation of ICH Dance Representation Through the Combination of Virtual and Reality\n\nLiu, Yan\n\n"Dance of Dr ums" is an interactive installation that combining virtual and reality for Chinese traditional bronze-drum dance representation. It provides both ex ternal projected interface and internal virtual reality (VR) experiences.\ n\n\nRegistration Category: FULL ACCESS, EXPERIENCE PLUS ACCESS, EXPERIENC E ACCESS, ON-DEMAND ACCESS, TRADE EXHIBITOR\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON, ON-DEMAN D END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR