BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035308Z LOCATION:Room 324\, Level 3\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221207T110000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221207T123000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:Pattern-Based Cloth Registration and Sparse-View Animation DESCRIPTION:Technical Papers\n\nPattern-Based Cloth Registration and Spars e-View Animation\n\nHalimi, Stuyck, Xiang, Bagautdinov, Wen...\n\nWe propo se a novel multi-view camera pipeline for the reconstruction and registrat ion of dynamic clothing.\nOur proposed method relies on a specifically des igned pattern that allows for precise video tracking in each camera view. \nWe triangulate the tracked points and register the cloth surface in a fi ne-grained geometric resolution and low localization error. \nCompared to state-of-the-art methods, our registration exhibits stable correspondence, tracking the same points on the deforming cloth surface along the tempora l sequence.\nAs an application, we demonstrate how the use of our registra tion pipeline greatly improves state-of-the-art pose-based drivable cloth models.\nFurthermore, we propose a novel model, Garment Avatar, for drivin g cloth from a dense tracking signal which is obtained from two opposing c amera views. The method produces realistic reconstructions which are faith ful to the actual geometry of the deforming cloth. \nIn this setting, the user wears a garment with our custom pattern which enables our driving mod el to reconstruct the geometry. We will release our pattern and registered mesh sequences containing 4 different subjects, and 15k frames in total.\ n\nRegistration Category: FULL ACCESS, ON-DEMAND ACCESS\n\nLanguage: ENGLI SH\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON, ON-DEMAND URL: 8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR