BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Linklings LLC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Seoul X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Seoul BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:KST DTSTART:18871231T000000 DTSTART:19881009T020000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230103T035348Z LOCATION:Exhibition Hall 2\, Level 1\, West Wing DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T100000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Seoul:20221209T160000 UID:siggraphasia_SIGGRAPH Asia SUMMARY:Emerging Technologies DESCRIPTION:Emerging Technologies\n\nEmerging Technologies is a juried exh ibition within the Experience Hall that showcases the latest emerging and innovative technologies that aim to improve our lives. There will also be scheduled presentations for submitters to explain the concepts behind thes e new research innovations.\n\nThis year’s Emerging Technologies Theme is the ‘New Normal’.\n\nMaking working and experiential prototypes is a cruci al step towards novel technological innovations. As such, the Emerging Tec hnologies program plays a vital role within SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia in driving the development of research communities and to make a great impact on the public.\n\nSome of the accepted Emerging Technologies works will r eceive Awards by the Emerging Technologies program committee members and r eviewers at the event venue. The quality of work, how they are presented a nd how attractive attendees view the works are criteria upon which each wo rk will be judged. The awards ceremony will take place right after the Tal ks Sessions.\n\nSeeing is Feeling: A Novel Haptic Display for Wearer-Obser ver Mutual Haptic Understanding\n\nHorie, Murata, Kashino, Inami\n\nWe pro pose a new haptic display that enables mutual understanding of haptic sens ation between the wearer and the observer. The system is composed of a par t that provides a haptic presentation and visualizes the skin deformation and a mechanical structure that visually exaggerates the variation.\n\n--- ------------------\nFloagent: Interaction with Mid-Air Image via Hidden Se nsors\n\nAndo, Koizumi\n\nFloagent is an interactive system that allows us ers to focus on a mid-air image without being aware of sensors.\nBy combin ing a hot mirror and a retroreflective transmissive optical element, Floag ent conceals the sensor from the users and they can perceive apparently ma gical images floating in the ai...\n\n---------------------\nTidal Space: Interactive Home Installation for Work-From-Home Parents\n\nHuynh, Althaus , Kim\n\nTidal Space is an interactive installation for working from home parents that aims to tackle the post-Covid issues present in home offices. It consists of motorized curtains and an acoustic panel that dynamically reconfigure the home office based on the parent’s screen activity, incorpo rating ...\n\n---------------------\nTouchable Cooled Graphics: Midair 3D Image with Noncontact Cooling Feedback using Ultrasound-Driven Mist Vapori zation\n\nMotoyama, Morisaki, Fujiwara, Makino, Shinoda\n\nWe propose a mi dair haptic-optic system providing cooling sensation via focused ultrasoun d.\nIn the demonstration, participants can feel a realistic cold sensation when they touch the 3D images of ice and other cold objects.\n\n--------- ------------\nUltrasound-Driven Passive Haptic Actuator based on Amplifyin g Radiation Force using Simple Lever Mechanism\n\nMorisaki, Fujiwara, Maki no, Shinoda\n\nIn this demo, we introduce a passive haptic device remotely driven by airborne ultrasound. Participants can experience a lightweight (6.2 g) passive haptic actuator worn on their fingertips. This device can present a strong amplified force of 400 mN (40 gf) and low-frequency vibra tion in 45 ms.\n\n---------------------\nDirecting Tangible Controllers wi th Computer Vision and Beholder\n\nGyory, Ranjan, Yong, Zheng, Do\n\nBehol der is a computer vision toolkit for building physical interactive control lers. It transforms physical objects into functional computer interfaces t hrough computer vision markers. The Beholder editor enables designers to m ap such bespoke controllers to standard keyboard events, thereby connecti. ..\n\n---------------------\nE.S.P.: Extra-Sensory Puck in Air Hockey usin g the Projection-Based Illusion\n\nSato, Terashima, Nishida, Watanabe\n\nE .S.P. (Extra-Sensory Puck) provides a new experience by introducing optica l illusions to air hockey based on our high-speed projector-camera system. A solid puck randomly hit by a player is camouflaged to disappear on the table and causes various physics-defying motions.\n\n--------------------- \nLow-Latency Motion Transfer with Electromagnetic Actuation for Interpers onal Action\n\nTajima, Tanichi, Mohammad H., Kasahara\n\nWe introduce a lo w-latency motion transfer system using electromagnetic actuation for the u ser's joint action, which allows the users to share their quick actions li ke pushing the button with their fingers. With this system, we will discus s and demonstrate the further potential of the computer-orche...\n\n------ ---------------\nAugmenting Everyday Objects into Personal Robotic Devices \n\nAbul Al, Kim\n\nWe introduce a series of augmented robots, smart domes tic devices that are augmented from everyday objects, leveraging personal fabrication to assist daily essential interactions. Through user-demonstra tion of desired motions, 3D printed attachment mechanisms are auto-generat ed to build personal rob...\n\n---------------------\nHumanConQuad: Human motion control of quadrupedal robots using deep reinforcement learning\n\n Kim, Sorokin, Lee, Ha\n\nOur technology demonstrates the quadrupedal robot control interface using the human user's motion. Our controller conveys t he real-time execution providing agility and flexibility of the control.\n \n---------------------\nQuadStretch: A Forearm-wearable Skin Stretch Disp lay for Immersive VR Experience\n\nShim, Kim, Lee, Kim, Lee\n\nQuadStretch is a lightweight and flexible forearm-wearable device for providing subst ituted skin-stretch feedback to express force on the arm. It can express t he directional sense of force accompanying arm movements without requiring a ground point. We present six demo scenarios, Boxing, Archery, Wi...\n\n \nRegistration Category: FULL ACCESS, EXPERIENCE PLUS ACCESS, EXPERIENCE A CCESS, ON-DEMAND ACCESS, TRADE EXHIBITOR\n\nFormat: IN-PERSON, ON-DEMAND END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR