
Changes in the Visual Arts Market Brought About by Immersive Content Technology

Featured Sessions

Technical Supervisor
Digital Domain
Digital Domain
Leveraging Visual Effects Technology to Create High-Quality, Autonomous Virtual Human

Senior Director of Research
Meta Reality Labs
Meta Reality Labs
Identities in the Metaverse: Exploring both sides of the uncanny valley

Chief Technology Officer
Ready Player Me
Ready Player Me
Building Real Interoperability in the Metaverse

Senior Research Scientist Company
Meta Reality Labs
Meta Reality Labs
Estimation of Spectral Biophysical Skin Properties from Captured RGB Albedo for Digital Humans

Motus Lab
Motus Lab
Lessons and implications of moving from FACS to Machine Learning for Digital Human Acting

Professorship in Media & Game Studies
Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
Topic to be advised

Computer Animator/Associate Professor
August Productions, Canisius College
August Productions, Canisius College
Creating a Short, Independent, Animated Film in the Midst of a Pandemic & Job Transition

Business & Innovation Symposium

User-oriented Product Development method in CLO Virtual Fashion

DoB Studio Inc
DoB Studio Inc
Login with a new face: An era where anyone can choose the face they want

VFX Product Manager
Vicon Motion Capture Systems Limited
Vicon Motion Capture Systems Limited
Motion Capture and Virtual Production