Jeff Burke
Jeff Burke is Professor In-Residence of Theater and Associate Dean, Research and Technology at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT). He co-directs the UCLA Center for Research in Engineering, Media and Performance (REMAP), a joint effort of TFT and the Samueli School of Engineering. From 2007-12, he was area lead for participatory urban sensing at the NSF Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, which helped define a new application arena for mobile devices. From 2010-20, he was a co-PI and application team lead for the Named Data Networking project, a multi-campus effort to develop a data-centric future Internet architecture. At UCLA, he recently completed an AR immersive theater production set in the world of Amazon Studios’ The Man in the High Castle, and is working on an AR theater adaptation of the Hugo Award-winning novel The City and The City.