Chunxia Xiao
Chunxia Xiao is currently a professor at the School of Computer, Wuhan University, China.
He received his BSc and MSc degrees from the Mathematics Department of Hunan Normal
University in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and received his Ph.D. from the State Key Lab
of CAD & CG of Zhejiang University in 2006, China. He became an assistant professor
at Wuhan University in 2006, and became a professor in 2011. During October 2006 to
April 2007, he worked as a postdoc at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
and During February 2012 to February 2013, he visited University of California-Davis for
one year.

His research areas include computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, and image
processing. He has conducted a considerable amount of research in geometry reconstruction,
image editing, computational photography, image analysis and synthesis, and he has published
more than 100 papers in journals and conferences.