Jooyoung Oh
Jooyoung Oh is a media artist who uses interactive technologies such as games and artificial intelligence chatbots. she has critically developed her work under two interdisciplinary backgrounds: visual design and engineering. She majored in visual design at College of Fine Arts of Hongik University, and earned PhD Candidate in KAIST. Since 2018, her work has been selected in ISEA Art gallery, ACC, and DA VINCI CREATIVE Biennale, Nominated artist in Busan International Video Art Festival, as well as Artience Winner at ART*SCIENCE COLLIDE, British Council, IEEE Brain Winner at Ars Electronica, Linz (2019), In 2020, three works were selected for the SIGGRAPH ASIA Art Gallery. She has participated exhibitions at Nam June Paik Art Center, Art Center Nabi, Daejeon Museum of Art, Hyundai Motor Studio (Seoul, Beijing), and has been sponsored by NCSOFT and ZER01NE as a creator, Invited as a jury at A.MAZE Berlin International Art Game Festival.
Art Gallery
Experience Hall Talks