Mike has a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney where he now researches and teaches. His research is exploring using interactive Digital Humans in new forms of virtual production and especially HCI. In other words, he is looking at deploying realistic digital humans in new ways Mike aims to help take technology from the cutting-edge VFX industry and apply it in these new exciting areas. Mike is an Internationally respected researcher & expert in Digital Humans and Virtual Production. His background is in both visual effects and pure maths is a perfect fit for the coming modern age of AI-driven (Machine Learning) Visual Effects. Mike has previously worked in film and TV R&D and in production, winning an AFI and being nominated for an Emmy Award. He has worked as a compositor, VFX supervisor, and second unit director on various TV shows and films. He was Chair of 2019 Real-Time Live in SIGGRAPH Asia Brisbane. He is perhaps best known for his work as a writer, consultant, and educator with the websites and which explore technology in the film industry. These websites provide an important link between the film and VFX community and the researchers and innovators who constantly push the limits of technology.